Thursday, 8 April 2010

23 things is an excellent way to get some exposure to Web 2.0 and to see how the library world and library users are using these social networking tools.

From my own experience, I was progressing ok until I met twitter and then I got a bit lost. My hashtag did not appear to be working and who and what to tweet? Discussions with colleagues were always enjoyable.

An internal wiki for staff use probably gets my top vote. I suspect library users go to google and search for their info from there so an excellent library web page and/or facebook site should satisfy. Weblearn would be a natural choice if linked in with subject info. If people want to take their library experience further they could become a fan?

Thanks to the team for all your help and guidance
After a hunt around for my flickr and delicious usernames I managed to add some gadgets to my blog and iGoogle page. With some thought and pre-planning it looks possible to set up a user friendly page with lots of links to other sites.
Google docs appears to be a very useful collaborative working tool for those with an internet connection. Email contact is easy too. I suppose with cloud computing you're always going to wonder what will happen if you lose access to your stuff, is it possible to keep a back-up file?
After using Wikipedia for many years to look up articles it was very interesting to learn about the 'history' and 'discussion' tabs. Would I find the time to edit a page? I don't know yet!
When the C&RD wiki was active (it's still going, but after staff changes it seems to have ground to a halt) I found it extremely good for work related issues. I still use it to refer to previous documents on work policy, eg LC classification. It is led from the top to encourage an open and inclusive feel, which seems to help as it does require some confidence to join in and find your way around.
I attended a demo on Twitter this morning at the RSL which gave an excellent overview (thank you Ollie.) It's apparently very popular with young people and you can tweet from your iphone or mobile, and is useful for people who are achiving tweets from conferences and events. I enjoy my guardiantech tweet, from the BBCClick tweet I have learnt how the staff there like their tea and coffee!